
SEA offers bespoke training on economic abuse. We have trained a wide variety of professionals, from customer support staff at banks and building societies to domestic abuse champions in the police force. 

Our training is focused on building the capacity of frontline organisations to recognise economic abuse, advocate effectively for economic safety and address the systems issues that facilitate ongoing control by an abuser.

Our training is informed by our Experts by Experience group and based on the developing national and international evidence base on economic abuse.

“Fantastic training. I feel confident in supporting victims of economic abuse and I know there is support to help me support others.”

Training is a core function for SEA and a significant mechanism we use to influence deep and lasting change in multiple areas.

  • We trained over 1,000 people in 2021.
  • 97% of participants agreed that their course had increased their understanding of economic abuse and gave them a better understanding of the link between economic and physical safety.
  • Our training has been accredited by the Open College Network (London).

Listen to one of our participants talk about how her view of economic abuse changed during the course.

To book a course or for more information, please contact [email protected] or click the button below.

Book a course


We offer both online and face-to-face courses. Our current courses are listed below. Please click on each course to learn more.

Coming soon

We are continuously working to develop our training offer.  If there is an aspect of economic abuse that you are interested in receiving training on, that does not appear to be covered by our current courses, please get in touch to discuss your needs.

The following courses are still in development. You can register your interest by completing our booking form.

  • Economic abuse and children
Register your interest

Meet our trainers

Our trainers are highly experienced, with extensive practical experience in the domestic abuse sector. They are also experts in their areas of specialist knowledge, delivering on various economic abuse projects across the UK. Explore their profiles and find out more about their expertise. 


Interested in learning more about economic abuse and how you or your organisation can help victim-survivors? Our E-learning tool is a great place to start.

View our E-learning video