Survivors’ forum

Surviving Economic Abuse has launched a Survivors’ Forum – an online forum for victim-survivors of economic abuse.

What is the Survivors’ Forum?

The forum is a safe and supportive space for women to share their experience of economic abuse and connect with other survivors. Users must be over the age of 18.

The forum is an online community providing peer support, which may help:

  • identify whether you are experiencing economic abuse
  • identify useful tools and resources
  • increase your confidence.

It provides an opportunity to share experiences on a variety of issues related to economic abuse, including coerced debt, the Child Maintenance Service and survivor wellbeing. 

All posts will be anonymous. Users can sign up to read the forums or take part in the discussion. 

Inclusion is important to SEA. The forum is open to all women, including transwomen.  

If you need further support

The forum is not a space for those that need immediate assistance, are not safe or are in danger.

We have information on a range of topics related to economic abuse that you may also find useful, including banking, debt and housing.

Join the Survivors’ Forum

Other support
