If you are experiencing economic abuse, you are not alone. Support is available.
Economic abuse often occurs alongside other forms of abuse. It is commonly part of a pattern of behaviour called coercive control.
If you are in immediate danger
Call the police on 999
There is a lot that the police can do to help you, and keeping you and any children safe will be their top priority. There are steps that the police can take to remove the abuser from your home if you are at risk.
For more information on how the police can support you, see our resource on this topic.
If you are not in immediate danger but need support
Call a domestic abuse helpline
By calling a helpline, you will be able to talk about your experiences and speak to someone about your options. They will be able to refer you to specialist support services that can help you to reach safety and access local support.
If you are using email, live chat or a text message service to contact a helpline, it is important your device is safe and not checked by the abuser. Women’s Aid has information about staying safe online.
- National Domestic Abuse Helpline (England): A confidential, 24-hour service run by Refuge. Call on 0808 2000 247 or access the service online. You can set a codeword and send a message to the helpline to either contact you by phone or email. They can also contact an alternative number you provide, such as for a friend’s phone.
- Women’s Aid online chat: Chat directly with a Women’s Aid support worker (Mon– Fri, 10am–6pm; Sat–Sun 10am–6pm).
- Live Fear-Free Helpline (Wales): A 24-hour service available on 0808 80 10 800. Live chat is available or you can email [email protected]. A 24-hour text service can be accessed on 07860 077333.
- Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline (Scotland): A 24-hour service available on 0800 027 1234. You can alsoemail [email protected]. An online chat service is also available.
- Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline (Northern Ireland): Available 24-hours a day on 0808 802 1414. You can also email [email protected] or use the web chat service.
- National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline: Run by Galop, the service is available Mon, Tues and Fri, 10m–5pm; Weds and Thurs,10am–8pm) on 0800 999 5428 or [email protected]. Web chat is available Weds and Thurs, 5pm–8pm.
- Men’s Advice Line: Call on 0808 801 0327 (Mon–Fri, 9am–8pm) or [email protected]. Web chat service also available (Weds, Thurs and Fri, 10am–11am, 3pm–4pm).
Contact a local domestic abuse service
You can search for your local service on the Women’s Aid website or on Hestia’s Bright Sky app. Many charities have ways to contact them online as well as by phone.
Your local service can help you to think about steps you may want to take to stay safe, such as finding somewhere else to live where you will be away from the abuser. If you need financial support due to the virus outbreak, including if the abuser has forced you into debt, they will be able to refer you to other services, such as benefit and debt advice.
We have information on organisations that can help with housing, legal advice and much more.
Find other organisations that can helpLast updated July 2022
Further support
We have more information that can support you to take steps towards safety and begin to regain control of your finances.