Your safety
Only take the actions below if it is safe to do so. You are the best judge of whether making any changes might lead to further harm. In an emergency, call 999.

Organisations that can help

If you have experienced economic abuse, you are not alone. There are organisations that can support you with the issues you may be facing. 

If you are in immediate danger, call the police on 999. If you are not in immediate danger but have concerns about your safety, there are domestic abuse helplines that you can call, many of which offer a 24-hour service. 

The following organisations may be able to help you with specialist information and advice. If you are confident to do so, explain that you are a victim of domestic abuse. This will help them take your safety into account and discuss appropriate options with you. A domestic abuse worker may be able to support you to speak to specialist services. 

Across the UK

Women’s Aid

Coordinates a network of local domestic abuse services nationwide and runs an online chat service (Mon–Fri, 8am–6pm; Sat–Sun 10am–6pm). The website a search function to find local services. It also has information for survivors, including the Survivor’s Handbook and Forum, where survivors share their experiences.




Supports women and children who have experienced domestic abuse by providing refuges and support in the community. Runs a freephone 24-hour helpline.


0808 2000 247


Scotland’s Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline

Supports anyone with experience of domestic abuse or forced marriage. Runs a 24-hour helpline and has online resources available in eight languages. You can also email [email protected] or use their online chat service.


0800 027 1234

Text/WhatsApp: 07401 288 595


Welsh Women’s Aid

Provides advice and support to women and children in English, Welsh, and other languages. Runs the Live Fear Free Helpline which offers a 24-hour phone service, live online chat and text service. You can also email [email protected]


0808 80 10 800

Text: 07860 077 333

Northern Ireland

Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline

A 24-hour phone service open to anyone who has or is currently experiencing domestic or sexual abuse as well as sexual assault. Also has a web chat service or you can email [email protected]


0808 802 1414


Anti-violence charity offering support and advice for the LGBT+ community. Runs the National LGBT+ domestic abuse helpline, as well as a webchat service. You can also email [email protected]


0800 999 5428 (Mon-Thurs, 10am–8pm; Fri, 10am – 4pm)

Karma Nirvana

Runs a helpline to support victims of honour-based abuse and forced marriage. You can also email [email protected]


0800 5999 247 (Mon–Fri, 9am–5pm)

Southall Black Sisters

Offers specialist advice and information for women from black and minority ethnic groups experiencing violence and abuse. You can also email via their website.


0208 571 0800 (Mon–Fri, 10am-4pm)

Men’s Advice Line

Provides information advice to men with experience of domestic abuse. In addition to the helpline, they have a webchat service (Weds, 10am-11:30am; Thurs, 2pm-4pm). You can also email [email protected]


0808 801 0327 (Mon–Fri, 10am-5pm)

Stay Safe East

A user-led organisation run by disabled people. Stay Safe East provides specialist and holistic advocacy and support services to disabled people from diverse communities in London who are victims/survivors of domestic or sexual violence, hate crime, harassment and other forms of abuse. You can email [email protected]


0208 519 7241 (Mon-Thurs, 10am–5pm)

Text: 07587 134 122

Sharan Project

Provides support and advice to women, particularly of South Asian origin, who have been or are at risk of being disowned due to abuse or persecution. You can email [email protected]


0844 504 3231


Can provide information and support to older people or anyone concerned about an older person, including those at risk of or experiencing abuse.

Call 0808 808 8141 or text 07860 052 906
Email [email protected] or use live webchat

The National Careline

Provides care and support to older people, their carers and families via their helpline and website.

0800 0699 784

Victim Support

Offers support to anyone who has been affected by crime via their Supportline and local teams.

Supportline: 0808 168 9111


Provides resources written by survivors and experts from different cultures and experiences to support recovery from trauma.


Mental health and money advice

Mental Health & Money Advice is the first UK-wide service to combine support for both mental health and financial problems. Their site gathers a range of tools, resources and contacts that can help support anyone across the UK.



Mind provide advice and support for anyone experiencing a mental health problem. Their Infoline offers confidential help and signposting.

They provide a Legal support line providing information on mental health-related law to the public, service users, family members/carers, mental health professionals and mental health advocates.

They also have a Welfare benefits line to support anyone with mental health problems who is navigating the benefits and welfare system.


Infoline – 0300 123 3393 (Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm) or [email protected]

Legal line – 0300 466 6463 (Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm) or [email protected]

Welfare benefits line – 0300 222 5782 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm)


A free listening service offering support to anyone feeling isolated, distressed or suicidal via a 24-hour phone line and local branches. You can also email [email protected]


116 123

Victim Support

Runs a 24-hour national support line, local support services and an information service for people affected by crime or trauma. They also have a 24-four online live chat service.


0808 1689 111

Woman’s Trust

A specialist mental health charity providing free counselling and therapy for women who have experienced domestic abuse.


Mental Health UK

Has information about mental health and wellbeing and offers a range of support programmes.


For specialist help on finances and abuse

Financial Support Line for Victims of Domestic Abuse

The Financial Support Line for Victims of Domestic Abuse is run by Money Advice Plus, our frontline partner. It offers specialist advice to anyone experiencing domestic abuse who is in financial difficulty.

0808 196 8845 (Mon-Fri, 9am–1pm & 2pm–5pm)

For general information and advice (see next section for advice on debt)

Money Advice Plus

Offers specialist debt and benefit advice. Can offer case work and support to people in financial difficulty within their area. Runs the Financial Support Line for Victims of Domestic Abuse with support from Surviving Economic Abuse (see above).


Money Helper

Offers money and pensions guidance online, over the phone and face-to-face. The service is open to everyone and free of charge, aiming to help people clear debts, reduce spending and maximise their income, as well as build up savings. They also have a Webchat (Mon-Fri, 8am-6pm).


0800 138 7777 (Mon–Fri, 8am–6pm)

WhatsApp: +44 77 0134 2744

Money Saving Expert

Website offers consumer tips to help people cut their bills, find good deals and save money. Users can sign up for weekly money saving tips by email. Website hosts tools including an income tax calculator, discount finder and budget planner, as well as guides on financial products and utilities. In 2019, they published a blog on financial abuse.


The Money Charity

Provides advice and information about debt, savings and financial products, and offers workshops and training. The website hosts a Budget Builder.


UK Finance

View the 2021 Financial Abuse Code that many banks and building societies have signed up to. It outlines how banks and building societies should treat people who have been financially abused.


Debt Advice Foundation

Offers free, confidential advice and information on loans, credit and debt, and recommends solutions. Runs a debt advice helpline with qualified debt advisers. They also have a webchat service.


0800 043 40 50 (Mon–Fri, 8am–6pm)

Money Advice Trust

Helps people tackle debts and manage money. Runs the National Debtline and Business Debtline, which are free, impartial and confidential debt advice services. Qualified debt advisers are available by phone, with fact sheets online. Also offers training and resources and a webchat service.


National Debtline 0808 808 4000 (Mon–Fri, 9am–8pm; Sat, 9.30am–1pm)

Business Debtline 0800 197 6026 (Mon–Fri, 9am–8pm)


Get expert debt advice, online or by phone, based on your situation. Recommends debt solutions and provides debt information.


0800 138 1111 (Mon–Fri, 8am–8pm; Sat, 9am-2pm)


Helps people in financial hardship access benefits, grants and support. The website has a benefits calculator, grants search and a ‘find an adviser’ tool to look for local support. Turn2us also has its own grants scheme and a freephone helpline.


0808 802 2000 (Mon–Fri, 9am–5pm)



Provides free debt advice in line with Scottish debt law. Via the free helpline, you can book an appointment with a Scottish debt adviser.


0800 138 1111 (Mon–Fri, 8am–8pm; Sat, 9am–2pm)

Northern Ireland

Advice NI

Debt service provides free, confidential tailored debt advice, as well as information on solutions to tackle debt. Services are available in each council area. Can negotiate with creditors on your behalf. You can also email [email protected]


0800 915 4604

We also have a list of some of the grants that you may be entitled to and information on debt.

If you are in urgent need of a refuge, contact the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247 (available 24 hours, run by Refuge).

If you are looking for alternative accommodation, contact your local authority – some have private rented assistance schemes. Local authorities have a list of local housing associations that may also be useful. We have further information and guidance on housing.


Supports people facing housing issues or homelessness with advice, support and legal services. Runs face-to-face advice and support services across the UK, has expert information online, and offers free legal advice to support people who have lost their homes or are facing eviction. Also runs a helpline for people in need of urgent housing advice, including those at risk of harm. They also run an online chat service.


0808 800 4444 (Mon-Fri, 8am-6pm)

Child Benefit enquiries

Call HMRC for information about eligibility, claiming and stopping Child Benefit, changing your details and making a complaint.


0300 200 3100 (Mon–Fri, 8am–6pm)

Child Maintenance Service

Can help resolve disagreements about child maintenance. Can work out how much should be paid, arrange payments between parties and take action if payments are not made. Victims of domestic abuse are exempt from paying the £20 application fee.


0800 171 2345 (Mon–Fri, 8am–6pm)

Family Action

Provides practical, emotional and financial support to families experiencing financial hardship or domestic abuse. Support services include grants, mental health and wellbeing services, and a phone support service.


0808 802 6666 (Mon–Fri, 9am–9pm)


Provides information to help single parents, including on managing money, debt and child maintenance. Also runs programmes to help build skills and opportunities for employment, as well as a helpline, online chat service and forum.


0808 802 0925 (Mon, 10am–12pm & 2pm-7pm; Tues & Thurs, 10am-12pm & 2pm-4pm; Wed, 10am–1pm & 4pm–7pm)

Child Law Advice

Has information on family legal matters and attending court, and a helpline staffed by trained legal advisers. Service covers England only.


0300 330 5480 (Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm)

Emotional support

Older children might find the information on the website Love is Respect helps them to understand what’s going on.

The Family Fund

Provides grants for low-income families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people, including for household equipment, sensory toys and family breaks.


01904 550 055 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm)

You can find more information on supporting children here.


You can sign up to the Protective Registration service if you have had personal details leaked or stolen, or if you have evidence of unusual activity on your accounts. This service can flag concerns to companies providing credit.


Information Commissioner’s Office

Can provide practical information about your data protection and information rights.


Mailing Preference Service

Can remove people from mailing lists to prevent post going to an old address.


Royal Mail

Contact Royal Mail for privacy queries regarding post or mail redirection.


You can find further information on Economic Abuse and the postal service here.


Suzy Lamplugh Trust

Provides education, support and a helpline for people experiencing stalking and harassment. Also has an online ‘Am I Being Stalked?’ tool.


0808 802 0300 (Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri, 9.30am–4pm; Wed, 9.30–8pm)

England and Wales


Provides advice and supports high risk victims of stalking.


020 3866 4107


Action Against Stalking

Provides support for stalking victims in Scotland, including a Throughcare Stalking Support Service and psychological support from qualified, experienced and accredited professionals.


0800 820 2427 (a voicemail service – leave a message and they will return your call)

Citizen’s Advice

Citizen’s Advice has a wealth of information and resources on issues such as housing, benefits and your legal rights. Be aware that their main website is for residents of England, Wales and Northern Ireland. There is a separate site for people who live in Scotland.


“I truly believe in the power of shared information. Sharing information is vital to help victims and try to stop abuse.” Victim-survivor

Last updated May 2024

Further support 

If you are experiencing economic abuse, you are not alone. We have more information that can support you to take steps towards safety and begin to regain control of your finances.
