National Economic Abuse Policy Group

The National Economic Abuse Policy Group is convened by the charity Surviving Economic Abuse (SEA), co-chaired by Hannana Siddiqui.

It was established in December 2017 and seeks to:

  • Identify how economic abuse can be better addressed through policy and legislation.
  • Close down the ways in which perpetrators use statutory and legal systems to facilitate economic abuse.
  • Promote policy and practice that upholds the economic well-being of domestic abuse survivors.

Group members include: Advance, Agenda, Beck Fitzgerald, Citizen’s Advice, Child Poverty Action Group, Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA), End Violence Against Women (EVAW), GEMAP Scotland Ltd., Gingerbread, Imkaan, Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI), Latin American Women’s Rights Service (LAWRS), Macmillan, Money Advice Trust, Nia, Prison Reform Trust, Refuge, Respect, Rights of Women (ROW), Safelives, Standing Together Against Domestic Abuse (STADA), Solace Women’s Aid, Surviving Economic Abuse (SEA), StepChange, Women for Refugee Women, Women’s Aid Federation of England (WAFE) and Woman’s Budget Group.

Individual members include:

  • Hannana Siddiqui
  • Ravi Thiara
  • Jennifer Glinksi
  • Jane Portas
  • Cassandra Wiener.

Together, the Group has submitted responses to the following:

  • Transforming the Response to Domestic Abuse (Home Office and Ministry of Justice, May 2018)
  • Written submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights (September 2018)