Happy Birthday SEA! Celebrating 4 years of campaigning for change on economic abuse

It’s our birthday! Our CEO, Dr Nicola Sharp-Jeffs, founded Surviving Economic Abuse (SEA) four years ago in June, 2017. We’d like to take the chance to celebrate how far we’ve come.

You can find out more about SEA’s journey and the progress we’ve made transforming responses to economic abuse in the 2021 Winston Churchill Memorial Trust updated report. 

In just four years, SEA and the Experts by Experience have put economic abuse into the statutory definition of domestic abuse and ensured that post-separation economic abuse is covered by the Domestic Abuse Act.   

Our team developed dozens of resources for victim-survivors and the professionals supporting them, on everything from spotting the signs of economic abuse to how to open a new bank account safely.  

We know that one of the biggest barriers to accessing safety and justice is a lack of knowledge and training about economic abuse in the sectors that can help – such as banking and the police. That’s why we’ve trained hundreds of professionals, with plans to reach even more this year.  

SEA has published a wealth of vital research on coerced debt, housing, controlling and coercive behaviour, Covid-19 and more. This research helps us influence policy here in the UK and connects us to an international network of organisations working toward a common goal. 

Last year, we also brought SEA’s founding Economic Justice Project to a conclusion. This incredible venture brought real, measurable change in people’s lives, reaching nearly 300 women and writing off over £600,000 worth of coerced debt. We look forward to seeing the results of this project grow into an even bigger mechanism for change: the Economic Abuse Evidence Form, which we hope will transform responses to coerced debt.

This is just a small part of what we have achieved together. As we reflect on the last four years, we know there is plenty more work to do. If you want to wish SEA a Happy Birthday, please consider donating £4 via our Just Giving page. Your support means we can continue to raise awareness and transform responses to economic abuse, and work towards a world in which all women achieve economic equality and can live their lives free of abuse and exploitation.

For our 4th birthday, we want to acknowledge all the incredible people and organisations who have made our journey possible. Our team has grown from just one to 24 caring, committed colleagues and over 100 Experts by Experience, whose experiences remain at the heart of everything we do.

We’d also like to give a very special thanks to our funders, who have had faith in our work and seen the importance of our vision and mission over the past four years. 

    • 29th May 1961 Charitable Trust  
    • Allen & Overy Foundation  
    • Aviva Foundation 
    • Broad Cairn Associates   
    • CAF  
    • Charles Hayward Foundation 
    • Cisco  
    • Clothworkers Foundation  
    • Comic Relief  
    • Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)   
    • Eleanor Rathbone Charitable Trust 
    • Esmee Fairbairn Foundation   
    • Evan Cornish Foundation 
    • John Ellerman Foundation   
    • Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust  
    • Goldsmiths Company Charity  
    • Home Office  
    • London Catalyst 
    • Lloyds Bank Foundation  
    • Marsh Christian Trust 
    • MHCLG  
    • MSE Charity  
    • Money and Pensions Service  
    • National Lottery Community Fund  
    • Nationwide Community Grants 
    • Oak Foundation  
    • People’s Postcode Trust  
    • Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria  
    • The Rayne Foundation 
    • Santa Barbara Heights Charitable Trust 
    • StepChange  
    • Smallwood Trust  
    • Standard Life Foundation 
    • The Telos Foundation 
    • Treebeard Trust  
    • Winston Churchill Memorial Trust