Introducing SEA’s group of advisors and ambassadors

Since SEA was founded in 2017, we’ve been lucky enough to receive advice and support from experts with the knowledge to help us address economic abuse. Now, we are delighted to announce a group of advisors and ambassadors who are formally working alongside SEA.

Experienced in the fields of law, financial services, policy influencing and communications, members of the group are contributing their knowledge and experience to help us raise awareness of economic abuse and transform responses to it.

Here, the advisors and ambassadors share why they are driven to work alongside SEA to help us achieve change.

SEA advisory group

Francesca Campbell – Head of Environmental, Social & Governance and Inclusion & Diversity, Gallagher EMEA

“I am delighted to join the Surviving Economic Abuse advisory group. This is a cause that is very personal to me and one that I am honoured to now be a part of. All women and girls should achieve economic equality and live their lives free from abuse and exploitation.”

Yasmine Chinwala – Partner, New Financial 

“SEA does fantastic, ground-breaking work to drive an important agenda that too many companies and individuals across the financial services industry are just not aware of. After working for many years to increase female representation in finance, I hope to leverage my knowledge and network to help SEA widen its reach. We need to embed changes across the industry that will reduce systemic barriers for survivors.”

Imogen Maxwell – Policy Manager, Civil Service

“SEA has accomplished so much since it was founded in 2017 – in particular, getting economic abuse included as part of the legal definition of domestic abuse through the Domestic Abuse Act. I hope to be part of SEA’s work to achieve even more, bringing insights and advice to the organisation on best ways to work with and influence government.”

Penny Miller – Partner, Simmons & Simmons

“The struggle and survival of one woman against the odds in the Netflix drama Maid articulated the critical issue at hand and inspired me to support SEA in their fantastic work. Women’s economic independence is critical to gender equality. I am keen to bring my legal experience in advising on regulatory matters in financial services to support and develop SEA in this stage of their journey.”

Sarah Pennells – Consumer Finance Specialist, Royal London

“When I used to work as a personal finance journalist, I would often speak to women with horrific stories of financial abuse. It became an issue I highlighted and campaigned on, but it wasn’t until I heard of SEA that I realised the scale of this type of abuse. SEA isn’t just raising awareness of economic abuse but is changing the way that we all respond to it. I’m keen to help get the message out even further.”

Jane Portas – Portfolio Director

“My early research into Women’s Risks in Life identified economic abuse as one of the top 12 financial risks facing girls and women through the life course. SEA’s work to prevent economic abuse and support survivors is impressive and I am delighted to join as an advisor.”

SEA ambassadors

Selina Flavius – Founder, Black Girl Finance

“Before being introduced to the amazing work of SEA, I was unaware how many people are impacted by economic abuse. Since undertaking training with SEA, I am able to raise awareness of economic abuse with the clients and communities I serve. As an ambassador, I intend to raise further awareness and to ensure my clients are signposted to the help and support available to them.”

Gemma Godfrey – Non-executive director, business advisor and consumer champion

“I was shocked at how many people are affected by economic abuse (1 in 6 adults in the UK) and that after a relationship has ended, perpetrators often use children to increase the abuse. Over £408 million is owed to children across the UK by perpetrators of economic abuse, who refuse to financially support their own children. SEA led the campaign that made economic abuse illegal, so I reached out and offered to help. I want to help fix a broken system to protect victim-survivors and their children.”

Find out more about SEA’s advisory group and ambassadors. 
