Posted on 16 Oct 2018
You may have seen our press release last week in support of UK Finance’s new Code of Practice on how banks and building societies should respond to financial abuse.
The Guardian Money ran a really great article both in print and online, exploring what the code means in practice after speaking with our director, Nicola as well as drawing on experiences of SEA’s Experts by Experience Group. Click the link for full article.
BBC Money Box interviewed Nicola live on Saturday morning on the new Code. Listen in from around 19 mins to hear the interview. While BBC Woman’s Hour also did a follow up feature referencing EEG member, *Claire’s* story.
In addition, SEA was featured on CityWire and the Code had a lot of great pick up more widely across financial press as well as in the Daily Mirror and the FT. We’re delighted to see that there is ongoing recognition of this issue within the media and we’re really proud to be able to contribute to these conversations. We couldn’t do it without being informed by the members of our Experts by Experience Group.
You can read UK Finance’s press release and find the full Code here.
In addition, SEA is hosting ‘Banking on Change’, an event for banks, financial institutions and those interested to learn more on this issue on the 6th December. For more information or to be added to our invite list please email [email protected]