The Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government have recognised and backed a ‘Whole Housing’ approach to domestic abuse.
Surviving Economic Abuse is proud to be part of this new initiative, working with the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA), Standing Together Against Domestic Violence (STADV) and Safer London along with others to pilot the new approach across three geographical areas.
We will lead on work to support survivors stay in their privately owned homes. Too often we hear from women that the abuser interfered with their mortgage, in the worst cases leading to repossession. In others, the abuser may have run up so much debt in their partner’s name that their credit rating is ruined making it difficult to apply for a mortgage and move on.
In a joint statement, SEA director Nicola Sharp-Jeffs says, “We are delighted that MHCLG has recognised and backed the idea of the ‘whole housing’ approach to domestic abuse. This funding will, for the first time, make it possible for individuals to access support no matter what type of housing they live in. This includes individuals in privately rented and owned housing whose needs are often overlooked in current responses.”
The Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government has allocated £22 million for projects across the country. This builds on government action seeking to put an end to domestic abuse for good and help survivors in turning their lives around.