
NEW: SEA Reports

We’re delighted to share three reports that we’ve been working on over the last few months. As the only UK charity focusing on economic abuse we’re often approached for resources, case studies, and statistics on this issue. We’re dedicated to making these accessible so to better the understanding of economic abuse, raise awareness of it as a form of abuse and transform responses to it.

  • Into Plain Sight: This report seeks to shine a light on economic abuse and presents an analysis of how economic abuse has been reflected within the offence of controlling or coercive behaviour in intimate/ familial relationships since its introduction in December 2015. Until this point there were
    limited mechanisms within criminal law to address this form of abuse.
  • SEA’s Roundtable Report: A group of women give up their time to be part of a group that we facilitate. They are ‘experts by experience’ – women who speak openly and honestly about what they have gone through so that they can be a force for change. Their insight informs the work we do – from identifying what tools and resources women need, through to where change is required in policy and practice. Earlier this year we brought together a roundtable of EEG members at the Home Office to discuss the practical barriers women face in rebuilding their lives after domestic abuse. We’re really excited to share the report with you which covers a number of issues through the eyes of the survivor – from the criminal justice system, the family courts and the welfare system through to housing, banking and the psychological impact of economic abuse.
  • SEA’s Annual Report 2017-2018We’re proud to present our first annual review from 2017-2018 which sets out how we have been and are continuing to make progress towards achieving our goals.